Xamarin Forms Lambda To Boolean Converter
Hi there!
Ever had the issue to convert a more or less complex lambda expression into a boolean in a Xamarin Forms view?
Like « I want to show something only for a property that matches my condition »?
Ever had the error: System.ArgumentException: Invalid expression type
/!\ Warning: this article could cause severe bleeding for the eyes of the purist. This is kind of a hack. I know that. Defining a lambda in the view, etc. /!\
Well seek no more my friend, here is the LambdaToBooleanConverter
public class LambdaToBooleanConverter<T> : IValueConverter
public Func<T, bool> Lambda { get; set; }
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType,
object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
var valueT = (T)value;
return Lambda(valueT);
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType,
object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
throw new NotSupportedException(); // not relevant.
You can use this in your view like that:
var isVisibleConverter = new LambdaToBooleanConverter<User>()
Lambda = u => u.Status == Status.Admin
o => o.User,
converter: isVisibleConverter);
Remember to bind on the element that implements the INotifyPropertyChanged
XAML-side: you might need to declare it in code-behind (not a big fan of the solution).
This is probably not efficient in terms of performance but it does the job.
Do not use and abuse complex lambdas: if it is too complex you are probably doing something wrong.
Do not uselessly declare more than once your converters.
This only solves a minor use-case I had that I did not want to refactor. I my case it was an ObservableObject that added commands to a DTO.
I did not wanted to re-create every property of the DTO but still wanted to bind an expression of the DTO.
Paul, out!